Gnosis Exhibition: 18 October – 16 November
Gnosis | Occult perspectives in Art opened last night at Nature: Art + Design in Auckland and runs through to 16 November. This features work by Abby Helasdottir, along with Mary MacGregor-Reid, Math Kabryn, Melanie Tahata, Joel Bradley, Jared Holland and Steven Johnson Leyba.
|gnos·tic [nos-tik]
1. pertaining to knowledge.
2. possessing knowledge, especially esoteric knowledge.
|Gnosis describes an individual’s attainment of inner understanding of the nature of the universe and it’s parts – often through life-long perseverance, frustrating examination, and mystical initiation – involving great sacrifice and usually subtle but real risk to themselves. Those who are privy to these supra-human states of knowledge-in-being often accomplish feats that surpass what is normal – and may be described as “magical” by some. Even conventional history can attest to some of these individuals shaping the future of humanity, the nature of our existence, and many would agree our very reality. Contrary to these heights – psychiatric institutions, prisons, and graveyards abound with those who have made the attempt, used their privileged positions unwisely, been victimised by their fearful peers, or have fallen prey to the subtle pit-falls they’ve encountered along their way. This exhibition reflects the artistic perspectives and even artistic tools of some of those who strive to win their own gnosis in our contemporary world.
|Poster by Mary MacGregor-Reid
|Exhibition at Nature: Art+Design, 18 St. Benedicts Street, Newton, Auckland from 18 October – 16 November |Wednesday til Saturday, midday til 8pm
|Donations are appreciated
A snapshot of the work at the printers, moments before being whisked away to the gallery.